Thursday, July 30, 2009

Parker at Seven Months

Here's what Parker has been up to during his seventh month:

  1. He started sitting up unassisted.
  2. He learned how to crawl.
  3. He figured out how to pull himself into the sitting position on his own.
  4. He can now pull up onto stationary items.
  5. Just last night he started cruising.
  6. He can also feed himself small items such as puffs, yogurt melts, and diced up foods!
  7. And finally, he's got two (yes TWO) teeth!
As you can tell he's been quite busy this month. I have no idea what's in store for us during the next month, but I know it'll be fun! Unless he starts walking, in which case I'll go crazy.

I love him more and more each day. Watching him learn and grow are two amazing things to witness. I thank God everyday for this miracle we were told we'd never have.

Here are a few of our favorite videos we've taken of Parker over the past few months.

We have a blast with him. He's such a hilarious little boy. We really lucked out.


  1. He is so cute, the crawling/scooting across the crib was too funny. The oh yea sweetpotatoes had Eric and I both laughing.. Oh ps.. i had this same background when i first started my blog:) you should check out i really like her style!!
    7 MONTHS~! i can't believe. what a sweetie!

  2. Awww, I love the one where he is scooting around his crib. He is such a cutie!
